David Lethei, escribe desde la infancia y publica desde el ahora. Viene de aquí y va para allá para volver al aquí. No le sirve biografía porque ninguna biografía hace a la obra, la obra se hace a sí misma y de ella somos instrumento. Como autor persigue que su propia labor (nunca completamente suya), jamás termine de autoperseguirse y así, en el intertanto, diga lo que tenga que decir…

David Lethei, writes since childhood and publishes from the now. Comes from here and goes there to return here. Rejects biographies as these cannot account for the artwork on their own, the artwork can only speak of itself and authors are mere instruments. As such, pursues that his own work (never completely his), never finish its self-pursuing and so, in the meantime, say what it has to say ...